Other Pursuits!!

This is my Other pursuits page. Like my blog title suggest I have other pursuits or should we say interests besides occupational psychology and this page is almost like a brief introductory page about my other interests and to signpost you to the relevant page.

1. Amateur Photography
I have always fancied myself as an amateur photographer, though I don't really know much about photography but I do know how to point and shoot.  I am motivated by my appreciation of the beauty in my natural environment, no I am not a tree hugger but I do think there is beauty in the world and once in a while I am lucky enough to have my iphone nearby to capture it. So basically, I take pictures of landscapes and for some reason I love taking pictures of clouds...particularly stormy clouds or #angryclouds as I like to call them. I also love to capture inspiring moments like sunrises and sunsets. Right now all my pictures are taken by my phone, I do eventually hope to get a dslr camera someday but for now my iphone would do. Also most (if not all) of my pictures are edited in some way, nothing grand we all know am not a photoshop pro but just slightly edited by Instagram or some other random app.

View some of my photos here and please feel free to leave comments if inspired.

2. Positive Psychology

Not to get all psychology on you but I am also interested in positive psychology, not the superficial stuff like the smiley feel good kind ...much deeper! I mean the actual science of happiness and positive psychology with more of an emphasis on the psychological aspects, not just positivity and positive thinking in general (afterall I am a psychologist, in training). I have always thought if I ever do a Ph.D., it would most likely be in positive psychology and positive psychology only. Unfortunately for me (or is it fortunately?) the only Ph.D. in positive psychology is in the USA, California to be precise (whilst I am based in the UK) so I guess I need to give this a little more thought. As it is now I am kinda just learning about positive psychology through the web, just reading articles and watching videos (TED Talks is amazing btw) and just trying to make myself aware of the going ons in the field.

Join me on my journey and explore the world of positive psychology with me here.

3. Quotes and Proverbs

This shouldn't really come as a surprise to you but then again it might. I LOVE love quotes and I love collecting them. Mind you, I only like quotes that mean something, are funny (not rude) or are inspiring in some kinda way. I have been collecting quotes for years, I used to have a little cute book I wrote it all in but with the years and my constant moving whist at university I lost my little book, now I try and type them up or more accurately I tweet (retweet / favourite them) on twitter and somehow never actually get round to typing them up but I still love collecting them. Some I remember, most I don't so here's hoping that with this page I can create a safe haven at last for my quotes and proverbs.

See some of my all time favourite quotes and proverbs here. You are also more than welcome to share with me your favourite quotes and proverbs.